I find that to perform my best every day i need to be at ease with my self and feel okay on the inside. Some times that means stopping what ever it is that i'm doing (even if it's my assignment that is due in a few hours and i haven't reached the word limit) and just take at least 20 minutes to chill out!
Heres a list of things you can do to just chill and focus on clearing your mind so you can be your best
- Go for a walk OR a run this will get your blood pumping and the oxygen to the brain flowing!
- Light a candle or incense. Incense purifies the air and targets your senses which helps to calm and relax the mind through smell.
- Listen to some meditation music, rap or even trap.. we all have a happy song so chuck that on and make sure you sing and dance for the duration of the song. This will leave you either laughing at yourself for how silly you just felt or will have you make your way through the whole play list!
- Phone a friend and ask them about their day was randomly (no doubt they had a shittier one than yours)
- Have a bath or a shower (everyone loves feeling clean)
- Go and give your pet a cuddle (i know this sounds weird but animals have this aura about them that instantly calms, I've tried it) and if you don't have a pet then go and cuddle your mum, dad, grandparent, sibling or even your boss. . he probably needs one to
- Read a few chapters of a book
- Google an inspirational Quote - this will make you feel internally inspired
- Write a bucket list - this will leave you feeling excited about the time you have free to tick them off
- Make something - a photo frame for your room
- Bake a cake so your minds worrying about measuring the flour and not the stress you're feeling at that time. This will also make tomorrow that little bit sweeter.. haha see what i did there!
- Plant a tree
- Make an online purchase, this will hurt your bank but you'll be excited for your new purchase to arrive
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