
Monday, 20 April 2015

your body is a wonderland

Just like everyone else, I like to indulge my self with the occasional 'snack' food binge and weekends out, where a generous amount of alcohol is consumed. This morning I woke up feeling sluggish and bloated and I thought to myself, ‘I need a good detoxing, my body is my temple’. Which it is! We put our bodies through so much unnecessary stress when all it’s trying to do is its job.

Here’s a few things you can do to detox your body easily everyday without the hassles of buying detox teas or shakes. And yes, i have tried them all! 

    Instead of coffee in the morning have a green tea; this will cleanse the liver. You can also add a little bit of lemon juice to the tea and this will boost your metabolism for the day. 

 You can also boost your metabolism by adding goji berries to your cereal, smoothies, or even have some with yoghurt and muesli of a morning.

    Breathe Deeply ‘inahale, exhale’ to allow the oxygen to circulate around the body more freely.  

    Do a home pedicure in the bath tub or head to the shops for a foot spa / or steam machine to allow toxins to escape through pores in your feet. Also getting a massage can rejuvenate the body by allowing the toxins to be circulated around the body for faster removal naturally by the body. 

     Do some excersie; go for a walk or a run or even some yoga. Yoga will calm the mind and focus on breathing, as well as stretching out your muscles.

     Drink water sip it throughout the day, don’t just scull a bottle in the morning and then think you’ve done your body good. It doesn’t work like that. 

    Have a hot bath – this will make your pores open and the body sweat, excreting the toxins that are in your body.

     Get sleep! You can never really catch up on lost sleep, so try and get the sleep you need each night. Even a good old nanna nap during the day for a booster is a good idea, 20 minutes is all you need. 

    Some foods you can easily pop into your diet every day (lunch or dinner) to give your body the proper nutrients and vitamins it needs; 

Super foods: 
Salmon, Tuna, Avocado, Walnuts, Almonds, Olive Oil and Flax Seeds

You can also turn to fruits and vegetables that are green or bright coloured as that means they have plenty of vitamins and antioxidants. Some of these are; 

Blueberries, Raspberries, Spinach, Kale, Eggplant, Tomatoes, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Apples, Oranges, Butternut Squash. 

Quick Meal Ideas Incorporating super foods: 

Sweet potato chips instead of oven chips.
Fruit Salad with some yoghurt and goji berries. 
Salmon with avocado and almond salad. 

Detox drink Idea: 

(can drink either morning or night)  

Lemon, Cucumber, Mint and Ginger detox water 

- Half a lemon juiced (great for metabolism boosting) 
- A few slices of cucumber (this has antiinflamintory agents in it) 
- 4 Leaves of Mint (helps with tummy upsets)
- 2 - 3 slices of ginger (depending on how strong you want it) 
This can aid headaches, settle stomaches including nausea. 

Add all ingredients to cup and drink. 

This can also be warmed up as a warm drink and lemon can be added. 

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