
Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Treat yo hair right ♡

Okay so with my hair, i have put it through a lot of sh*t.. excuse the french but i really don’t know how else to describe the things i have done to my poor hair. Yesterday i went from proxy blonde to a deep base coloured ombre look, from now on i am no longer going to be using bleach in my hair and i am making sure to look after it. Surprisingly my hairdresser doesn’t think my hair is in to bad condition which makes me optimistic about growing it! So i have decided to put together a few tips and ways to help the growing process of your hair along with my favourite hair care products and my weekly hair routine! 

 ♡ Get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks (not to much, just the ends off) 

Trimming your hair doesn’t make to much sense when you’re actually trying to ‘grow it’ but trust me, trimming your hair regularly will help your hair in the long run. Cutting the ends off makes sure that there are no splits in the hair which could result in the whole hair shaft splitting making your hair weak and unable to grow. Now i think we all want our hair to be long and healthy, not just long! GET IT TRIMMED! 

 ♡ Take vitamin supplements 

it’s not very often that our bodies get every single victim that it needs to help it in its tracks of development. So taking some vitamins every day will just help it along it’s way. You can take - Hair Blast (which i have already spoken about in a previous post, and this offers every vitamin your body needs for rapid and healthy hair condition and growth) , Vitamin B, Biotin and also eating foods like eggs soy whole grains and liver will give you a biotin rich diet. 

 ♡ Hot oil Treatments 

you can buy these in the stores, they just heat up and then you apply it to your scalp and massage carefully. You can also do this with coconut oil, heat the oil up and let it cool a little before you apply it to your skin (you’ll get burnt other wise obviously) and then massage into your scalp. This will also leave your hair feeling super moisturised and soft. 

 ♡ Massaging your scalp 

This allows for stimulation to the scalp, potentially opening up the pores in your head and allowing for natural oils to escape through. Which is also another really helpful way to restore your hairs natural condition. 

 ♡ Hair Masques/ treatments

Hair treatments are a must and you need to find yourself a good one that you can use for a deep condition or a treatment once a week. Now depending on the condition of your hair depends on how you can use your product, if the treatment or masque you are using has protein elements to it then it is probably not so great to use it more than once a week, but if it doesn’t and it is purely a moisturising treatment then use it as much as you feel your hair needs you to. 

 ♡ Brushing your hair

Now after doing some research on this topic (so i am actually giving you credible information) it was evident that hair brushing was actually not something that people recommended to do. Now personally, i feel that brushing my hair defiantly increases the shine and strength through it. I also feel that after i brush my hair the oils from the top of my head can finally reach the bottom. Which is great for maintaining healthy hair. As for it not being recommend, i think that harsh brushing and tugging at your hair is the thing that is shunned away from. When you are brushing your hair, start at the bottom  and get all the tangles and tugs out before you then brush from top to bottom. This will make sure there is no hair pulled out or snapped in the process. Brushing your hair increase the circulation in your scalp, and removes any dead skin cells that are trapping your natural oils in there. 

My Weekly Hair Routine 

Every morning: i take two hair blast pills, i brush my hair whenever i’m just sitting doing nothing (it feels so nice and makes my hair feel softer and more conditioned), 
Monday: I try to wash my hair on a Monday and leave it until it gets super dirty looking (i’m trying to reduce the frequency of taking away the good oils from it)
Wednesday or Thursday: i’m finally washing my hair i’ll wash it with my shampoo and then i’ll condition it and put my treatment in (while i wash my body, face, scrub or shave my legs etc), then i’ll rinse that out, ill lightly tap my hair with my towel and then let it dry off a little before spraying my hair with my leave in treatment. Once my hair has naturally dried (staying away from heat for a while) i then go and spray some hair oil on it, to give it some shine. 

This is my found hair routine and it is what works for me. Your hair might be completely different and you might need to use a different routine, just do what works for you and what you feel benefits you the most! 

My hair care products for this month (or until they run out) 

Now the following products are products i have used in the past that have worked for me, and also the products that i am using on my hair right now. Now just a note: i never use the same products for a prolonged amount of time, whenever the product runs out i change it up and go for another shampoo, conditioner, treatment or leave in spray. For some reason i have always remembered being told that changing up your hair products is healthy for you, so i have always done it. 

In photo order left to right: 
  • Nioxin Hair Thickening 
  • Matrix Shampoo and Conditioner
  • ET Equilibrium 
  • Paul Mitchell Revitablonde Leave in Spray treatment 
  • Kukui Oil Spray 
  • John Freda Frizz Ease Leave in Treatment 


✖ Don’t condition your roots/scalp 

✖ Don’t brush your hair when it is wet 

✖ Don’t Tie your hair tie in the same spot every single time (this will weaken the hair wherever your hair tie has been)

✖ Try not to use hair styling products such as hair spray or waxes 

✖  Try to avoid stress

✖ Avoid using heat styling when you can 

Happy growing! 

ta ta for now xo

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